A robber finally runs into a carabiniere instead of massacring an unarmed citizen and the criminals are interviewed, rather than giving a medal to the carabiniere

Taking care in my Italian Private Detective Agency of high-risk investigations and sometimes finding myself in difficult situations, I can say that it is not easy to always make the right decisions under pressure, while it is far too simple-minded criticize with the benefit of hindsight. Therefore, we see how much nonsense, after a failed Read more about A robber finally runs into a carabiniere instead of massacring an unarmed citizen and the criminals are interviewed, rather than giving a medal to the carabiniere[…]

Often the Italian Private Detective Agency is the only resource against the online persecution

Benjamin Griveaux, the loyalist of Emmanuel Macron and a candidate for mayor of Paris of the En Marche movement, as if he were some teenage boy or (maybe better to say considering his age) as if he were some maniac, has sent to a girl a video, in which he is masturbating. Acting in the Read more about Often the Italian Private Detective Agency is the only resource against the online persecution[…]

The family homicides are an Achilles heel of many Prosecutors’ Offices which investigate them as if they were mafia murders

Benno Neumair is suspected of killing his parents. And until now nothing strange: disappearance of the Neumair spouses resembles very much a family murder. The son of Laura and Peter Neumair was imprisoned in Bolzano expecting the investigative results and also this step is pretty predictable: if it was him that killed the parents (and Read more about The family homicides are an Achilles heel of many Prosecutors’ Offices which investigate them as if they were mafia murders[…]

Who does not honor his own heroes, does not deserve them

Years ago, my Italian Investigation Agency Octopus was investigating a robbery for which insurance company was not willing to compensate, because there was not enough resistance to the robbers; in practice, the poor cashier would have to risk his own life in order to save money from the compensation. Even more sad is the story Read more about Who does not honor his own heroes, does not deserve them[…]

The revoked compensation for the femicide of Marianna Manduca is imposed by the wrong concept of infallibility of the magistrates

Behind the judgment of cassation which cancels the compensation for the children of Marianna Manduca from Palagonia slaughtered by her husband with knife, there is the tragicomic concept of infallibility of the magistrates and its senseless defense to the bitter end. For many years as the owner of the Octopus talian Private Detective Agency which Read more about The revoked compensation for the femicide of Marianna Manduca is imposed by the wrong concept of infallibility of the magistrates[…]

Soldier dogs, abandoned or not in Kabul from the American army, reveal all the dirt of the employment of war dogs from soldiers and police force

Some time ago a friend and a private detective colleague of mine, owner of a detective agency in California, ex much-decorated marine who fought in the Gulf and Afghanistan war, knowing how much I love dogs and animals in general, invited me to a memorial of a soldier dog deceased in war. I turned down Read more about Soldier dogs, abandoned or not in Kabul from the American army, reveal all the dirt of the employment of war dogs from soldiers and police force[…]

No mask, mask on

Our government-ish, made of incompetent and analphabet politicians, has restored the requirement of mask anti-coronavirus only from 6pm to 6am and only in places where there are gatherings or where they can be easily and quickly generated. It is maybe one of the wisest choices made so far. Some dumb (or maybe more than one) Read more about No mask, mask on[…]

Those who are vaccinating in these days are doing it just to keep going to the restaurant and to public spaces

I don’t understand all the scuffle that is going on about the green pass. Those who are vaccinating in these days are doing it just to keep going to the restaurant and to public spaces, despite all their big words about sense of civic duty and respect for the neighbor (otherwise they would have done Read more about Those who are vaccinating in these days are doing it just to keep going to the restaurant and to public spaces[…]