The most romantics forget that for many people the marriage is a contract

Detective agency Octopus takes care of family protection and marital crisis since 1988

Detective agency Octopus takes care of family protection and marital crisis since 1988

During the lockdown for the virus covid 19 it was expected that there would be an increase in work for the detective agencies and the marital lawyer, and so it was.

The forced cohabitation in confinement revealed all the hidden difficulties in the relationships especially for all those couples that are particularly fragile due to character or psychological incompatibility. Once the lockdown was over, many people turn to my detective agency Octopus for assistance in the separation since the quarantine revealed adulterer’s behavior in the partner (like an excessive attachment to the smartphone). In some cases, however, it concerned a simple wear of the relationship and the client turns to my investigative agency hoping to find an excuse to end the relationship.

Moreover, there is a third case that I know very well: the divorce due to economic crisis brought by the pandemic corona virus. The cases of spouses or ex-spouses, in the majority women, that can’t stand a lowering of their life-style, even though the crisis caused by the virus, are literally triple.

My detective agency Octopus takes care of protecting its client from spouses that are too interested, not to say eager, in the economic aspect of the marriage or of the divorce. Unfortunately, the connection rich-romantic is very risky, because it exposes to a series of profiteers. The new trend between wives in separation is to ask nothing for themselves but demand such high maintenance for their children, as if they were nobles.

As I often tell the clients of my detective agency, whose sentimental and marital troubles I have been following for years: “Plan first your divorce than your marriage”. It is about taking some precautions and leave the necessary emergency exits, so that a hypothetical divorce doesn’t become a nightmare.

In these hard times, also the poor (so to speak) Robert De Niro, defended by the lawyer Caroline Krauss, is bothered by the ex-wife Grace Hightower, unconcerned about the bad state of affairs of the restaurant chain Nobu and the hotel Greenwich Hotel, owned by De Niro, after the pandemic. Mrs Hightower showed her nature also before, in the 2018, when she appealed to the court because her credit card spending limit had been reduced from 100 thousand dollars to 50 thousand dollars and her 1 million dollars annual maintenance had been questioned.