To the student detectives of my detective agency Octopus I teach The Art of War.

Investigations are very much like wars between truth and lies. When I teach ‘great investigations’ to the student detectives of my detective agency Octopus I am often inspired by ‘The Art of War’. About a thousand years ago, El Cid Campeador won his battles by catapulting baskets of bread into fortresses to be conquered; today, Read more about To the student detectives of my detective agency Octopus I teach The Art of War.[…]

We Italians were lucky not to have street gangs like in the States

Many years ago a client approached my first detective agency Octopus in Bergamo for an international investigation. My research ended up in the United States, where I met a fellow private detective who had opened his own detective agency in Los Angeles after a career as a policeman in an anti-gang squad in California. At Read more about We Italians were lucky not to have street gangs like in the States[…]

The vaccine is the shortcut to come back to productivity, not for ourselves but for the ticks of our government that are infesting our poor Italy

I was about to go and get vaccinated against covid-19. They had almost convinced me, or rather: I was letting myself be carried away. Even though I knew I would have regretted it: vaccination is the shortcut to come back to productivity, not for ourselves but for the ticks that infest our poor Italy (let’s Read more about The vaccine is the shortcut to come back to productivity, not for ourselves but for the ticks of our government that are infesting our poor Italy[…]

The sex scandal that has engulfed Prince Andrew has unleashed the worst side of the tabloids

The sex scandal that has engulfed Prince Andrew and the entire British Crown has predictably unleashed the worst side of the tabloids. The journalists have discovered, thanks to the revelations of a former court maid, that the Duke of York has an obsession with soft toys and tends to be rude if the toys are Read more about The sex scandal that has engulfed Prince Andrew has unleashed the worst side of the tabloids[…]

Isolation caused by covid-19 pandemic encourages online romance scams

Never as in this time of coronavirus pandemic emergency has my detective agency Octopus received more requests for help with online romance scams. I think this is due to the increased isolation caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Isolation brings people to spend many more hours online, often losing touch with reality. In fact, I first Read more about Isolation caused by covid-19 pandemic encourages online romance scams[…]