Francesco Finanzon and his detectives are experts in private and corporate investigations, financial assessments, insurance investigations, support for the Law Firms in both civil and criminal fields.
The private and criminal investigator Francesco Finanzon and his detectives are experts in collecting of information and valid proofs for courts, in monitoring and surveillance, in discreetly obtaining video-photographic evidence, in the undercover investigations, in the countersurveillance and the security.
The Francesco Finanzon’s investigations and the investigation strategies support the companies, protect the insurance companies, assist the advocates and protect the people.
Private and Family Investigations
Marital infidelity. Investigational support and protection in case of separation or divorce difficulties. Abuses and domestic violence. Premarital background checks and investigations of missing betrothals. Investigations of child custody as well as of abuse or neglect. Parental alienation syndrome. Pre-employment check for baby-sitters and child protection monitoring. Localizing and recovery of abducted children. Investigations of the definition of economic agreements for separation and divorce. Risky and self-destructive behaviors of the family members: drugs, alcohol and bad acquaintances. Missing family members. Research and investigation of biological parents.
Missing persons and fugitives search
Missing persons and fugitives search. Establishing the location, exfiltrating and recovery of abducted children. Missing family members. Prevention of disapperances (Alzheimer’s disease and sexual aggressors). Research and investigation of biological parents.
Prevention of addictions and dangerous behaviors
Risky and self-destructive behaviors of the family members: drugs, alcohol and bad acquaintances. Prevention and investigations of people met online.
Due diligence and advanced corporate investigation strategies. Pre-hire investigations. Investigations of absences and of abuses of paid leaves (Art. 104). Work causes for occupational diseases. Investigations of asbestos-related occupational diseases. Abuses, misconducts, robberies and shortages in companies. Industrial and commercial espionage. Corporate sabotage. Cybersecurity. Corporate infidelity. Anticorruption. Incorrect financial and general management. Harassment, violence, mobbing, straining and stalking in the workplace.
Business and Financial Investigations
Credit due diligence and credit protection. Fraud prevention and fraud investigations. Investigations of the commercial reputation as well as the financial situation. Financial and property investigations for credit recovery. Search for current accounts and real or movable assets. Job search for the fifth of the salary. Anti-counterfeiting investigations. Defense of trademarks and patents and intellectual property. Combating unfair competition.
Road accidents, accidents in the workplace and force majeure (shipwrecks, fires, floods). Investigations of big robberies. Support investigations for the claim adjuster. Claims reconstruction and analysis. Verification of the testimonies of witnesses. Tracing and recovery of stolen goods. Insurance frauds on life insurance policies and permanent disability. Defense of the rights of the insured.
Legal Investigations and Support of the Lawyers in Civil and Penal Processes
Investigational and analytical support for law firms. Disputes in hereditary succession and inheritances. Research and analysis of the proofs. Deconstruction and review of penal or civil trial files in the search of different and more efficient investigation approaches. Search of witnesses and testimonial interviews. Bringing the valid proofs to the court. Forensic investigations. Dactyloscopy and DNA investigations. Investigations of archived cases and in the phase of archiving.
Anti-persecution operations. Countersurveillance. Armed and non-armed security. Crime prevention. Profiling, identification, localizing of dangerous persons and criminals.
Within my possibilities, I provide pro bono services assisting the disabled victims, in the protection of fundamental rights denied to weak persons or animals (domestic violence, stalking, child and animal abuses, poaching, judicial errors).