Covid-19 pandemic disrupts social habits to such an extent that many would rather risk their life than giving up on them, the problem is that doing so they drag their relatives with them.
Our government-ish, made of incompetent and analphabet politicians, has restored the requirement of mask anti-coronavirus only from 6pm to 6am and only in places where there are gatherings or where they can be easily and quickly generated. It is maybe one of the wisest choices made so far. Some dumb (or maybe more than one) found the humor in the fact that covid-19 is mortal only from 6pm to 6am, not grasping the fact that the range of hours from 6pm to 6am is related to the spread of morons and not to the epidemiologic one of the virus.
Mind you: I’m not fond of masks, I find them annoying and I’m happy to get rid of them as soon as I can, only hypoxyphiliac people can tolerate masks. Moreover, the mask deceives the appearance of the people we are surveilling and the detectives of my Italian investigative agency Octopus in Milan struggle to recognize them during tailings. Nevertheless, it’s the only protection against the virus. It is not reassuring to know that during a time span that goes from the Spagnola disease outbreak till now, after a century of medical and scientific progress, the only countermeasure against the pandemic is a piece of tissue and the social distancing. However, even more stupid is the fact that some people don’t get the importance of these simple restrictions.
As the owner of an investigative agency, I could witness firsthand this dumb and irresponsible behavior: covid-19 didn’t stop, not even during the lockdown, the marital infidelities and the promiscuous and on payment sex. As it was for AIDS, which spread when I hadn’t yet a detective agency on my own but I used to collaborate with some investigative agency in Milan, a good amount of people (more stupid then brave and more reckless then free) ignored the problem and kept on not wearing the condom. I remember back then that there was more than one client of my Italian detective agency Octopus that had been infected by the partner who then I found to be unfaithful.
When recently, on the middle of July, night clubs have been reopened, many of my unfaithful suspects, surveilled by my Italian detective agency Octopus, rushed in nightclubs like drug addicts into withdrawal, and my detectives behind them to film them. Reviewing the videos, I realized that, unlike in bars, restaurants and other similar activities, it’s definitely not easy to handle the clients safely, but most of all that no one took the trouble to do it properly.
I haven’t heard yet of clients of my Italian investigative agency Octopus positive to covid-19 due to the partner, but I think it’s only a matter of time.
However, recently it happened that a lady cheated on her husband, telling him that she had to take care of the mother while instead she was abroad with the other man. When this woman returned in Italy, she was nailed not only by photos and videos from the private detective but especially by an unforeseen compulsory tampon test and quarantine.