Lately all private detectives of Private Investigation Agency Octopus use defense pepper spray Plegium.
So far, I have used two types of anti-aggression sprays: the small ones from DIVA, which are very convenient because you can hide them in any pocket and they fit in the palm of a woman’s hand (the attacker doesn’t realize you are going to ‘spray’ him until it is too late). And the Umarex Walther Pro Secur pistol-shaped sprays; chosen by me more for the excellent ballistic spray (able to avert hand-to-hand combat in many cases) and ease of use. Normally I don’t like to sprays in the shape of gun, if they do not faithfully resemble a real weapon capable of acting as a deterrent, and unfortunately in Italy this is not allowed, because the legislator is more concerned that they are misused by criminals rather than offering maximum practicality and safety to victims in the event of an attack.
But I wanted to update you on another very good anti-aggression spray by Plegium (https://plegium.com/collections/all ): it is not shaped like a gun but is equally easy to hold, is very practical to use and has a very precise ballistic spray. It also has other very interesting features, namely: when used, an alarm siren and a strong LED light are activated to disorient the attacker. Less interesting, but still useful, could be the alarm function launched online to the pre-registered smartphones via an application provided in the Smart version. In addition, these sprays have a magnet attachment that makes them easy to reach and use in emergencies, even if they are kept in large pockets or handbags (I know: any weapon should be carried attached on to the body, but we women are known to be very tempted by our handbags).
Enrica Ceruti, Owner of Investigazioni Cyanea – Partner of Investigazioni Octopus