The green pass will give a tragicomic extra touch to the already quite difficult situation we are all in, including Italian private detectives.
I don’t understand all the scuffle that is going on about the green pass. Those who are vaccinating in these days are doing it just to keep going to the restaurant and to public spaces, despite all their big words about sense of civic duty and respect for the neighbor (otherwise they would have done it long time ago). People that do not want to get vaccinated have to comply to few minor restrictions; unless the meaning of their lives is to eat at the restaurant, but in this case vaccination should be just a marginal complication.
Among the detectives of my Italian detective agency Octopus there is who is vaccinated and who is not, me, for example, I’m not vaccinated. To clarify, I’m not a no-vax person, I would describe me as a “you go ahead that all this is making me laugh, even if I’d have to cry instead”. If, after August the 6th, a no-vax detective of my Italian investigative agency Octopus has to tail a vax person that is taking the lover to the restaurant, he/she will wait outside to take picture of the couple. If he/she gets lucky, he/she will have the chance to zoom in on the sweet scene from the outside throughout the windows of the restaurant. In case the couple is a no vax they will probably sit outside, sorting out all the difficulties. Actually, now more than ever in this period of covid (where people tend to stay outside), detectives of my Milan investigative agency Octopus manage to capture so easily exchanges of reserved documents, bribes, illegal transaction and clandestine meetings in bars and restaurants.
Should there be the absolute need to enter in public premises for close surveillances, I will arrange the mission involving vax agents of my Italian detective agency Octopus with green pass. Otherwise, I will use the old tricks that the job has taught me.
The vaccine, for those who didn’t get it, is not a medicine or an immunizing serum. It is rather an artificial way to quickly gain herd immunity to finally get to live the way we were used to before all this. The vaccine plan doesn’t have the purpose to save us all but to make immune the strongest. The weakest and the most unfortunates will fall anyway, according to the old rule of the natural selection. Our limited intelligence induces us to consider our insatiable lifestyle responsible for the corona virus outbreak and the other viruses that have been decimating us for decades. If corona virus won’t slow us down in number and in demand, floods, desertification and wars will do.
If the victimist attitude of the no vax is incomprehensible, even more it is that of the restaurant owners that should be glad to start working again rather than stiffen up for mere matters of false principle. All right it’s annoying to have to check each client’s green pass, but it’s ridiculous to define discriminatory the restriction (that will be useless anyway to stop the spread of the next virus variants) that asks them to not welcome non-vaccinated people inside and to reserve them only outdoor places. Moreover, no one can expect from restaurant owners a real and proper police force verification. Living in Italy, fortunately, I can only imagine how this assessment would be performed by the policemen. Instead, vax, no-vax and restaurant owners should fear our bureaucracy that will give a tragicomic, and at times grotesque, extra touch to the already quite difficult situation we are all in.